Saturday, August 09, 2008

John Edwards Admits It

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Another politician had an affair...blah, blah, blah. That's not the real news.

The part that I'm astonished about is that the National Enquirer broke the story back in October. That's ten months ago! So you mean to tell me that the National Enquirer has been right all these years? There really are aliens running a bar and grill in El Segundo? Elvis really lives at Neverland Ranch? The brown cow with two heads that is being raised on Bush's ranch in Crawford, Tx is the sole producer of organic chocolate milk with a natural enzyme that can allow it to be used as a fuel substitute?

We've been hookwinked! Bamboozled! The National Enquirer should demand a national apology for all the years of ridicule and glances of disgust it has endured at the checkout counters in grocery stores across America.

John Edwards was busted with his mistress Rielle Hunter a long time ago and because it was the Enquirer, no one realized the story was credible. Now Ms. Hunter is either Edwards' or a campaign aide's (Andrew Young, who is also married w/children) baby mama.

He [Edwards] said he has not taken a paternity test but that the timing of the affair rules out the possibility that he could be the father of Hunter's 5-month-old child ( article). Not because he used a condom or she was on birth control, but because of the timing. Wow. And you wonder why STDs are at an epidemic among teens. How can you expect a 15 year old to be responsible if presidential candidates are too dumb to use protection?

I guess Hillary just got bumped up a notch on the possible Democratic VP list.

Tracking Hurricane Gustav