Monday, May 05, 2008

Flip the Script: A Roland Martin Commentary

I have a lot of respect for Roland Martin, who is a CNN and contributor. His point of view in this commentary is that the tables should be turned on all those who have championed the cause against Barak Obama by using Jeremiah Wright as a weakness. He suggests that if it is acceptable that the pundits play that game with one candidate, then the rest are fair game too.

Interesting perspective. I totally agree with the principle; however, I think that the practice will be counterproductive to the cry for change. It would be right to hold everyone's feet to the fire and play hardball with the candidates who so smugly criticized Obama's association with Wright. It would be a calculated political move, but ultimately I think it would turn out to be just another distraction.
Just my opinion. Read the article and discuss in the comment box.

Tracking Hurricane Gustav